Businesses get their success because of improvement, management, people, strategy, vision, mission, and fast execution. Similarly, everything is depending upon proper planning. In an organization or company, there are two factors works, one is internal and another one is external. In these two sections, for strategy and execution, different planning is required, in any business. There are different types of planning also required for different functions and industries according to the market conditions. Here are some different types of planning
Tactical planning
This kind of planning is especially to achieve a target or achieve goals. In every project, maybe in the internal factor or in external factor, there is some fixed target which we have to achieve. Similarly, for an individual, execution or his/her product and services needs some tactics to sell. Tactics may be trade secret model, business model, etc. based. In a particular team when we are solving a problem we use tactics to solve the problem. Few points at the back-ends are
- Proper analysis of the product and services and their execution process.
- Rapid discussion between team memebers are needed.
- We have look at what external factors are saying.
- We have to see previous mistakes and others mistakes too.
Mission or purpose planning
It’s function deciding plan. When we are introducing new products and services or launching new business we always need a plan. In the simplest way, we have to decide who, why, what, how about the subject. It’s futuristic because we have a certain target regarding the business, product, and service. Similarly, rapid improvement is needed throughout the way.
Strategical planning
Strategical planning is one of the key planning for making strategy and doing execution in every business. Now we have to see the essential aspects and nonessential aspects. Similarly, in a project or target what are the essential parts we have to do correctly. In a team, we have to decide and make the strategy to complete that target.
- Strategy may be step by step going process.
- Or collecting the guidence and giving guidence about the vission and mission about the project.
- Sometime in bunch of goals we have some specific must achieving goals. If we complete those then automatically maximum work has been done.
Managerial planning
This is managing the planning and executing the planning. As we all know everything has its’ own value. So, how we could add value and how we could generate and demonstrate value is in this planning. Furthermore, Managerial planning is manage the team to create brand loyalty and brand equity in the customers. Managing the strategies of all functions and parts to pull or push the strategy. Sometimes some projects maybe get hit by rules and regulations and market threats. In this case, we need managerial planning to overcome those situations. In this case, proper analysis is needed by the analytics team. Decision making also a key factor in this planning. Furthermore, we need a proper improvement cycle. Similarly, proper team and team player and leadership quality play a key part in this planning.
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